Furcadia Art Board
by Damadar on Feb.28, 2008, under Artists, Artwork, Entwined Studios, News
I’ve Debuted a new website; it’s called the Furcadia Art Board. It’s an Oekaki board meant for artists to share their artwork. I hope you, the Furcadians, enjoy it. #SB
February 29th, 2008 on 12:02 AM
drew something (http://kotra.wuargh.com/furc/fab.png). Was unable to save it. Tried all the painters, same result. Woe!
March 1st, 2008 on 4:07 PM
At about 1:30AMCST, I think it got fixed. 😛 ‘least it works for me. By the way Kotra, cute! 😛
March 1st, 2008 on 6:30 PM
aww, you’re pretty cute too, Mr. Marque. 😉