WFMA- Contestants? Start your engines!
by Damadar on Feb.09, 2008, under Artists, Artwork, Digos, Location, News, Private Dreams
This is a Press Release from the creators/owners of WFMA-Radio station. To check out their site, click here.
Horray! The writing contest has finally begun!
Setting: The article/ poem/ story (etc) must be set in Furcadia – Or the main characters must somehow end up in this land.
= Genre: What ever you like – I’ve always liked comedy but Admins are not the judges 😉
= Length: No longer than 1000 words. (Or at least – not too much longer)
= Format: You can speak it and send it as a sound clip, You can video it and send it or you can type it and send. Any format, Basically.
Send all entries to
Subject: Writing contest – (your name)
A Few pre-set and perminant rules:
– Staff of WFMA may enter material but can not win.
– There are no restictions on the number of entries
– There are no restrictions on the content unless otherwise stated in the contest description
– ‘Adult’ Material may be enterred but might not be made public – To the discression of the Admins.
– Prizes vary – you’ll be alerted of any possible changes in the contest description
– We do not accept bribes
– All judging is done by people who are not players of furcadia then finalised and discussed by Admins. this means that sucking up wont do you any favours.
– All donations made to the alt ‘WFMA Radio’ will be added to the prize of the contest that is running at that point. Otherwise it will be used for on-air contests such as Trivia contests, Caption contests, Criptic Code contests etc.
Prizes: (The part you -really- care about)
Ferian Foxen
5 GD
And an art choice:
Either 2 Digitally drawn pictures made to your specifications
1 highly detailed digital drawing made to your specifications.
The artist is incredibly skilled and well known and will be names when the contest ends.
The drawings will be quite large, I’m informed.
The contest is currently set to run for around one month but that time may be extended.