What's that, Furcadia?

Groups and Guilds day!

by on Sep.03, 2007, under Artwork, Groups and Guilds Day!, News, Roleplay

The Groups and Guilds day dream was by and far a successful event for Furcadia’s guilds. They got a lot of exposure, they talked with the players, and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

A lot of people had questions for Emerald Flame, though not all of them where group/guild related. Gar was the ringmaster, helping to control the flow of questions using specific DS to keep everyone quiet, (except the questioner.)

The dream itself looked good, too. It seemed that a lot of extra time has been put into this sub-dream for the groups and guild leaders. Each booth had the representative guild’s name on it, which made it easy to find specific people you were looking for.

In front of each booth there was a totem that you could bump into to get a little info about the guild and a link to websites they used.

The only thing that might have made things better for the dream owners would have been to arrange specific times for public talks about their guilds, groups, and other ideas so they could give a big presentation about what their guild was like. Maybe next month.

Here’re some screenshots!:


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