What's that, Furcadia?

General Update of Stuff

by on Dec.03, 2007, under Artists, Artwork, Digos, Dragons Eye Productions, Furrums, Groups and Guilds Day!, News

What has been going on in Furcadia Land?

Well, aside from Sanctimonious flying over to do some stuff with Felorin, (more on that, later) there has been a lot of new stuff happening that just didn’t warrant a story of their own, so here it is:

Community buys for the Stupendymous Christmas Giftpack have become all the rage down in Little Tokyo (The Furrums). They seem to be doing relatively well, and the deals are pretty good. (Sometimes up to 60% off of all the digos!)

Speaking of the Digo Market, did you know that DEP goofed up and revealed they have a time Traveling device readily available to use for the masses of Furcadia?

This weeks ‘weekly sale’ is for a dragon, tri-wings, and a 3-month long wreath desctag. All for the price of a one year dragon.

Unfortunately, DEP forgot to tell us how to use the Time Machine, so no one is currently able to buy the product. You may have noticed the sale-end validity date:

Holy temoral vortex, Batman!

I’m sure that if you try to order now, though, they’ll still sell it to you. They can always go back in time and add the order to the que with their time machine, after all!What else has been going on? Danival has been spotted caravaning around Furcadia sprinkling “magic” all around. Her Festival is being prepared for heavily by the Furcadia community as a whole, and there are, at this time, three contests that are not commonly featured. (I can’t ever remember seeing at least two of them!)

There’s some other stuff, too, but I’ll probably mention that later!

Some things to look forward to: A spotlight on an RP dream, “Draygan’s Hollow”, with most of, (if not all) the patching artwork, (sans default items) done by Kaelin’yFiae.
Hopefully, an interview with one of the proxy-makers of Furcadia, (if I can ever manage to make him sit still long enough to talk!)

If you’d like to see an article about your dream, your art, or your third-party software, you can get in touch with me via the contacts page.

For everyone who stopped by to see the website from the Sponsors section of the Furcadia forums, I appreciate having you drop by, and hope you keep coming back.


Groups and Guilds day is going to be December 8th. For those of you unaware, you can check out how to get a booth and such here. The focus of this G&G day will likely have a lot to do with guilds running their own events to compliment the Furcadia festivals.

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