Quick Update
by Damadar on Mar.23, 2008, under Digos, Dragons Eye Productions, Furrums
Furcadia’s doin’ a lot of stuff. Most of it is so horrendous that I’ll leave you to discover it yourself. (That, or I’m too lazy to write about it. Your choice.)
I will, however, tell you about this new service Furcadia tossed up a little while back while I was missing. (I’m still missing, btw.)
It’s all about controlling your Desctags. Non-Standard desctags can be turned on and off in this area. (Regular desctags still use the normal commands.)
I’ve heard rumours of a raffle in the future, too…
Stay tuned.
March 29th, 2008 on 12:14 PM
where, oh where, did you go?