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Archive for January, 2009

Amia, part 2

by on Jan.05, 2009, under News

So, I managed to sit down with Amia and get a few words in with her.

Damadar: How did getting the Daily Deviation make you feel?
Amia: Honored above anything. It’s a strange feeling to know you inspire people, and that others genuinely enjoy looking at your work.

Damadar: How long have you been interested in photography?
Amia: I think I can safely say I’ve been artistic ever since I was able to pick up a pencil, so any form of creativity was of interest to me, but I was brought my first digital camera around the age of 13. I only began to take it seriously at 16, and start pursuing my career at 18.

Damadar: You’re 19 now, yes?
Amia: I am. March the 4th! #SE

Damadar: How much success do you feel you’ve had in the past year, pursuing your career?
Amia: I think I’ve been very, very lucky to work with the people I’ve worked with, and things do seems to have moved quickly. I’ve had the opportunity to work with clothing designers such as Samantha Cole London, and models like Skye, who was recently featured in the latest Ford adverts in the UK, but I don’t think 2008 was my year. I’m hoping 2009 is my break-through, but all I can do is cross my fingers!

Damadar: What are your goals for 2009?
Amia: A few months ago I would have told you “To become agency represented.”, but now I’m not so sure. I’m enjoying the freedom of freelance work and managing my own clients, so I think the ultimate goal would to be to have my own extensive studio space, as I hope to soon be upgrading my lighting equipment. It wouldn’t be too shabby to get a couple more tearsheets, though. #SD

Damadar: Have you ever been published before?
Amia: I have, and to be totally honest.. I’m not even sure where! For example, I was featured in a hair magazine after working with avant garde hair stylist, now a good friend of mine, Sean Butt. I’m also expecting a tearsheet from February’s issue of Digital Photography magazine.

Damadar: For those of us not in the know… Tearsheet?
Amia: Haha, I thought you might ask that! A tearsheet is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, it’s a term in the industry for being published. If your work is featured in a magazine, as proof of publish, a lot of people ‘tear the sheet’ out for their portfolios, hence the name.

Damadar: Which do you prefer: Photographing, or being Photographed?
Amia: Definitely photographing, without a doubt. Modeling was so frustrating being a creative – having no control over the final product drove me nuts! Some photographers noticed my talent in post processing though, and asked me to retouch their work for them, so that was a nice compromise. I’m glad I’ve experienced modelling though, it’s really helped me understand how to direct models when you’re working.

Damadar: What do you think about models who are overly thin? Do you think it’s needed for the industry to survive?
Amia: That’s a tough question. The first priority to every photographer or designer, (or should be at least) is the models welfare, it goes without question for me, but it is true that the slimmer models do create better images, not just for the fact they ‘look’ better themselves, but you need to realise a lot of clothing designers create clothes for smaller sizes, it’s just the direction fashion has gone in. If I could change the entier industry and stomp out the illness of many models, I would, but it’s not something you can let get in the way of work unfortunately.

I’ve known Amia for over a year, and when she devotes herself to something, she tends to give it more than what you’d think she could. I could easily expect hers to become a household name (in the fashion world) within a few years.

You can find more of Amia’s work at her website: http://www.felicefawn.com/

And on deviantART: http://felicefawn.deviantart.com/

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Beekin head ‘Nabs recognition

by on Jan.05, 2009, under News

Beekin Head, Amia managed to get a Daily Deviation on popular artists community deviantART

You can see the Deviation here.

Amia was visibly overjoyed as she ran around Naia this morning in ecstasy over the award for her Artwork.

Amia is a Beekin Welcomer Head, A Beekin Teacher, a Beekin Pixel, and a resident of the UK.

Amia was unavailable for direct comment at the time of posting, as she was out celebrating the recognition by doing what she was recognized for: Taking Pictures.

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